1 min read

[Free Guide] Making the Case for ALPR at Small to Midsize Agencies

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Every year, automated license plate recognition technology gets more sophisticated and more positive coverage in news outlets around the world. Yet every year, professionals at small-to-midsize law enforcement agencies continue to question if an ALPR system is a nice-to-have or a need-to-have for an agency of their size.

Need help convincing your supervisor or team of the comprehensive benefits an ALPR system could have at your agency?

Download our new and complimentary guide: Making the Case for ALPR at Small to Midsize Agencies.

What's inside:

  • The specific benefits of ALPR systems for small and midsize law enforcement agencies
  • Advice on how to move past potential stumbling blocks, like finances, community concerns, lack of time, and more
  • A round-up of praise from government officials and criminal justice experts
  • A specific case study on the town of Duck, North Carolina, detailing their journey from no ALPR system to multiple ALPR systems
  • And lastly, how the team at Leonardo can help you win your case

Get the guide right here.