Donna Murphy

The Leonardo Ecosytem of Vehicle Recognition Technology

Implementining or expanding a plate recognition system? Leonardo has all the options needed for a successful and secure program, without having to switch providers.

Organized Retail Crime Is On the Rise — Here's How to Fight Back With ALPR

Organized retail crime (ORC) is a growing epidemic costing businesses billions each year....

Heads Up: Watch For These Red Flags When Choosing Your LPR Provider

Leonardo has been providing license plate recognition technology to law enforcement for decades....

Why This Is One of the Safest Communities in Baltimore

In the heart of South Baltimore, a community often troubled by carjackings and auto thefts is...

The Surge in Vehicle Theft and How Agencies are Battling Back

To say motor vehicle theft is a nationwide problem is an understatement.

3 Creative Ways to Expand Your Agency's LPR Network

If your law enforcement agency already utilizes license plate reader (LPR) technology, you know how...

[Quick Video] LPR Software & Hardware Solutions

Is your law enforcement agency looking for new and innovative ways to reduce crime and solve cases?...

[Quick Video] How to Simplify Parking Management

Managing a multitude of parking enforcement applications? We know that can get complicated....